
The Koç School Lise Prep program aims to take students, who come from a wide variety of language proficiency and backgrounds, to a level of English necessary to cope with the rigorous demands of the heavily literature-based curriculum of the high school English program. Since many of the students who come to our program are away from home for the first time, and many are also in an English-speaking milieu for the first time, classes traditionally have been smaller than those in the rest of the school, enabling the pastoral nature of the teacher’s role to be maximized. Prep students meet with English teachers for a total of 21 scheduled hours per week.

In addition to English lessons, Lise Prep students take Turkish Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, Visual Arts / Music, Physical Education, Computer Science and Modern Foreign Language classes.

Information about the LP English Program

The program approach is thematic, with the following themes covered throughout the year:

  • Travel & Relationships,
  • Human Behaviour & The Media
  • Ethics and Justice & Health
  • Money, Status and Modern Life & Beliefs
  • Language and Communication & Changing the World


Each Lise Prep student has two different core English classes: A, B and C. The above themes, two at a time taught concurrently by different teachers, are delivered in A and B classes. The C class is designed to help students develop their listening and speaking skills as well as helping them improve their vocabulary that relates to the thematic units. Students also practice language skills and grammar. English C is offered by a different teacher, and it is one lesson per week.

During each thematic section, students are involved in a variety of listening, reading, speaking, writing, grammar, and pronunciation activities. Emphasis is placed on developing independent thinking and analytical skills with an interdisciplinary outlook. In addition to the themes, a novel is read and analyzed in class, a presentation project is completed, and regular time slots are devoted to reading for pleasure to promote reading habit and language development.  At the end of the year, students share their creative projects with the school community through the traditional animated poetry contest and LP Magazine.