Human Resources

“Student learning” is the main aim of The School and the reason of its existance at the same time. The objective of the teachers is to provide a rich and efficient learning environment to the students and the objective of the staff is to ensure full support for the provision of this learning environment.

Our school provides a multi-cultural academic environment in order to enrich learning. School organisation has been built in a way to respond well to different cultural needs.

The Koç School expects from its future team members to hold a high esteem for the integral values of the school culture in addition to academic perfection.

It is a priority for the school to provide an optimum working environment to its employees so that they can set and achieve goals with their full potential. Being one of the most prestigious schools of Turkey with regards to the salary and benefits, our school makes investment to professional development programmes. Employees are encouraged to share opinions on school decisions by means of the teacher and staff unions. It is our goal to assure our team members of our fair, transparent and “people-first” management style.

Please visit the Job Opportunities page for vacant positions & job application forms.