Technological Processes

Distance Education Tools and Platforms

The technical hardware and platforms our students will need in face-to-face, hybrid or distance education processes have been specified below on the basis of schools.

Kindergarten and Primary School:

Scenario At school Hybrid Distance
Laptop / Tablet  
Camera system  
Cloud storage system   ————–Google——–
Online education platform   ————–Zoom———
Learning management system ——————-Moodle—————–
Homework/home activity and material sharing ——————-Moodle—————–


————Google Classroom———-

Middle School:

Scenario At school Hybrid Distance
Laptop / Tablet / Mobile Phone
Camera system
Headphones  ✔
Cloud storage system ————Google———-
Online education platform ————Zoom————
Learning management system ——————Moodle——————-
Homework/home activity and material sharing ——————Moodle——————-

———-Google Classroom————-


High School:

Scenario At school Hybrid Distance
Laptop / Tablet
Camera system
Headphones  ✔
Cloud storage system Google
Online education platform Zoom Zoom
Learning management system ——————-Moodle——————-

—————Manage Bac—————–

Homework/home activity and material sharing ——————-Moodle——————-

————Google Classroom————





Live Stream Lesson System

In case hybrid or distance education scenarios are realized, all classrooms have live stream lesson systems to ensure students at the school and students getting education from their homes follow the lesson at the same time and experience similar synchronous education. By this way, some of the students are able to physically join the lessons at school while the remaining students are able to participate online from their homes.

Online Library

The print resources of our library can be borrowed by all our users during face-to-face and hybrid education processes. Our electronic publications collection with over 4000 e-books, 7000 e-magazines and newspapers, digital encyclopedia and article databases is open to our users’ access for 24/7 through the website of our library.  Our collection includes Encyclopedia Britannica, Sora (electronic book collection), PressReader (digital magazines and newspapers) databases. The Noodle Tools education portal, which will help our students use the information resources they make use of during their research processes according to academic honesty principles, will be open to access. Our reading culture and information literacy trainings will continue to be provided by our information and document specialist during face-to-face and distance education processes.

Our library website provides service with Libguides infrastructure. Transactions such as catalog scanning for print books, extension of the loan periods, reservation etc. can be handled on Libguides website as well as accessing electronic resources that require subscription or open-source electronic resources and thousands of digital resources. Libguides is also a reference center our students can benefit from 24/7 by preparing contents and research guides and using in their home assignments/researches.