Counseling | Koç School


“Success depends on previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.”

To prepare our students for life… A huge responsibility that takes a comprehensive and holistic approach, which requires us to be there for our students all the time, offering them self-actualization opportunities in many fields.  It is essential to emphasize a concept to support their preparedness for life as individuals with integrity: ”CONFIDENCE.”  We are aware that a young person is only “CONFIDENT” when he or she is reassured.  A confident individual has developed awareness on him/herself and others. Being conscious of personal strengths and weaknesses, s/he is open to “SELF DEVELOPMENT”. To plan activities that serve to improve students’ awareness and skills and support their self-development is a priority for the Counseling Department.

How about “CAREER BUILDING SKILLS?”  Success in life is interwoven with the right career planning. A confident and conscious young person who is open to development will decide and elaborate on his/her future career. To provide him/her relevant opportunities to improve this skill and offer guidance, we must be more creative.  How exciting!

Teaching staff and parents must be dynamic and open for improvement to keep pace with the breath-taking development of our students.  It is critically important for all stakeholders in close contact with them to be included in the Counselling program of our school for the students’ future success. Let’s act in cooperation to ensure their preparedness for life and the future.